Our Group's Film Interests

What Conclusions can you draw about the group's choice of films?
The majority of our class' film choices were either made by American film companies, or had connections to American film companies. This is due to the fact that American companies hold so much of the film market that any independant British films will find it hard to sell well or advertise their films without American backing. Also, I noticed that the majority of British films people did pick, were comedys. This may just be down to the fact that the British are more humour minded and prefere to watch films that make them laugh.
What are the pros and cons of watching on different mediums?
Watching a film in the cinema is good as it is cheaper than buying it on DVD, uses a bigger screen and surround sound, and is more of an experience than watching it on DVD or TV. The cons are that as there are other people watching it with you, you cannot control when they get up and obscure your view or make loud noises during the film. Watching a film on TV has the pros that nowadays, you can pause and rewind films on TV or even save it for later viewing. The main con is that there are usually ad breaks, that can sometimes not be fastforwarded, that are not in DVDs or films at the cinema. Watching a film on DVD's pros are that once you buy it, you can watch the film as much as you want without any problems. It also does not have any adverts that TV does and there is no waiting around for it to start like at the cinema. Also, it can be paused, rewinded and fastforwarded at will which some TVs can't do and that you certainly can't do in the cinema.
What are the different methods of marketing? Which is the most effective and why?
The main ways of advertising a film is in trailers on TV, before other films at the cinema and in adverts on video sharing websites such as YouTube, posters on the sides of buses and on walls or bus shelters, adverts in magazines and interviews or segments on TV chat shows. I think the most effective method of marketing is a simple trailer, as it can be shown in so many places and quickly shows a potential viewer whether or not it is their cup of tea. Also, without trailers, the only ideas about what a film is going to be like would be mostly from posters, and these sometimes don't show us much about the film or don't really help us decide whether or not we want to watch it or not.


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